Swarthmore College Intercultural Center's 25th Anniversary Exhibit
Case 4: Curriculum, Faculty, Visibility
1993: Student proposal for mandatory, semester-long course for first-year students entitled “Critical Consciousness
1997-98: Position paper to hire more Latino/a faculty (1/2)
1997-98: Position paper to hire more Latino/a faculty (2/2)
1999-2000: Document on Ethnic Studies (1/2)
1999-2000: Document on Ethnic Studies (2/2)
Proposal for Queer Studies Concentration
2001: Correspondence about transitioning Latin American studies from a concentration to a minor. Today, it is the Latin America and Latino studies program (1/2)
2001: Correspondence about transitioning Latin American studies from a concentration to a minor. Today, it is the Latin America and Latino studies program (2/2)
2016: Issue 1 of Visibility, a collectively-produced art zine hosted at the IC, dedicated to showcasing the creative expressions and voices of community members who have traditionally been marginalized